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Congratulations and thank u.... New to OS development...

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:04 pm
by arman08
Hello friends.. First of all i'd like to thank team of BrokenThorn for such a great work... What a great tutorial.. for a newcomer like me, its a pandora box.. I cant thank u enough..
Actually we chose our college project as Mini OS.. We have to complete it in a month.. What we want to develop is a mini OS like DOS.. If not all, just basic functions.. It should display a shell and perform basic commands..
When i started searching for OS development tutorials, i thought i made a big mistake by choosing this topic, because i could understand nothing at first.. But then i found this site,and now i feel i choose a very interesting topic.. I just loved the Bootloader tutorials... Everything is written very neatly and in simplified manner, even a newbie like me can understand everything.. Thanks a lot guys, u saved me....

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:08 pm
by arman08
i studied the bootloader tutorials and understood everything.. now my bootloader displays WELCOME TO NEW OS... :lol:
as i dont know a lot.. Can u plz tell me what steps should i have to follow to make a mini OS as i mentioned before? after completing bootloader, what should be next?? I mean what my approach should be towards completing this mini OS....
Hope you'l understand my problem and help me out here... I'd really appreciate it..
Thanks a lot in advance.. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:34 pm
by Andyhhp
I recommend that you continue with the Stage2 and Kernel tutorials.

This is because trying to recreate DOS will be much easier in C/C++ that ASM.

If you only have a month, you may need to do more research and write parts yourself. No offense to Mike (Your doing a brilliant job), but i doubt that there will be enough tutorials to recreate DOS within the next month.

As for what you need,
First: Keyboard driver - fairly obvious
Second: File system driver - so you can load stuff off disk

From that point, you should be able to load and run programs off disk. However, without memory management, your programs are going to be somewhat limited.

Then you have to think about writing interrupts so your programs can do things like access IO etc.

If you want to be extravagant, you could implement multitasking although only when everything else works.

Hope this helps,
